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    What is the best advice for a young, first-time startup CEO?

    A 24-year-old founder asked this question during my podcast show. While I was interviewing a guest, this young founder left a comment that I found intriguing. Given tons of extensive experience holders on this platform, what would be the best piece of advice, or the single most important tip, you would offer her?
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    🚨 Solo Founders: 6 Pain Points You Didn’t Know You Had

    🔍 Which of these pain points do you struggle with the most, and how are you tackling it? Share your experiences or tips below! 💬👇 📉 Overwhelming Workload: Juggling too many tasks and feeling stretched thin. 📅 Time Management Struggles: Difficulty prioritising tasks and managing your schedule effectively. 💸 Limited Resources: Struggling with tight budgets and lack of funding. 🤝 Networking...
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    Business Marketing with Nika
    Fake accounts on Twitter: Ignore or Remove them?
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    Is MVP enough?

    The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a great way to test market assumptions and gather feedback early on. But in today's fast-paced and competitive landscape, is launching an MVP alone still the best strategy? Many startups have succeeded with MVPs, but others have found that an MVP can sometimes be too "minimal" to make a real impact or resonate with users. As customer expectations rise,...
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    Which features within your chosen platform for community management do you consider must have?

    1️⃣ Member Management and Moderation 2️⃣ Personalised Emails 3️⃣ Paywall for Content or Subscription Fee 4️⃣ Content Management 5️⃣ Courses 6️⃣ Customisation
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    What platform do you use to manage your community?

    For those of you running a business, what platform do you use to manage and engage with your community? How has this platform contributed to retaining customers and building long-term relationships? I’m particularly interested in hearing about any specific features, tools, or strategies within the platform that have been most effective in driving customer loyalty and repeat business....