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Noëlie Rx
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We used to launch "Et toi tu joues ?" a French podcast to highlight women working on the esport industry. It's really easy to use it and for people with no experience it's a great way to start. It allows you to create your podcast directly on the website, but it also provides a solution to have a page to show and promote your podcast.
Does anywone have experience with (by Spotify) to launch a podcast ?
Valentin Haarscher
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Noëlie Rx
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Honestly, I stopped having resolutions. I've never been able to keep them.
Now, instead, I set goals for myself to achieve within the year.
For 2020, my goals were to get an apartment, my master's degree and a permanent contract, as well as passing my driver's license. I managed to achieve three of these objectives: the master's degree, the permanent contract and the apartment.
For 2021 I...
What's your new year resolution?
Pouya Lo
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Noëlie Rx
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Hi Makers!
Here's my product:, a macbook case on which you can write and erase ad infinitum. It's a portable whiteboard that protects your computer from any shock. It is entirely designed in France and made from recycled plastic bottles.
I'm looking for feedbacks, but also early birds users, and everything. I know the website doesn't have an English version for...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 10th of August)
Aaron O'Leary
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Noëlie Rx
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Hi Makers!
Here's my product:, a macbook case on which you can write and erase ad infinitum. It's a portable whiteboard that protects your computer from any shock. It is entirely designed in France and made from recycled plastic bottles.
I'm looking for feedbacks, but also early birds users, and everything. I know the website doesn't have an English version for...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 3rd of August)
Aaron O'Leary
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Noëlie Rx
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@mellowbeing I'm writing article for a french association to promote diversity in videogames, esport and streaming. I'm also manager of one of this esport team. But I'm also drawing, watching movies or series, ...
What are your non-tech hobbies?
Jen ✏️
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Noëlie Rx
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@yapartase "The Boy Who Could Change the World" which is a book listing the writings of Aaron Swartz
If you had to recommend one book to a fellow maker, what would it be?
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Noëlie Rx
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@akash_mondal For me, it's a great idea. Removing the number of like per photo will stop creating unnecessary complexes for some people. It will also reduce anxiety, stress and depression related to the feeling of not having enough likes compared to other people. I find that not being able to see the number of likes of other users (it seems to me that we can see privately the likes we have...
Instagram hiding like counts, what do you think about this move?
Akash Mondal
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Noëlie Rx
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I think I'm gonna ask them if I can become an ambassador of Taskade. I'm a huge fan of this to-do list app and I tried at least a thousand one. I was using a Bullet Journal but I get bored because I have to design new stuff by myself. Then I discover Taskade a cool to-do list with templates, that way I can recreate a bullet journal online, but also do a to-do list for work than I can share with...
Taskade 1.0
Free Collaborative To-Do List and Workspace for Remote Teams