Nikolett Török

Nikolett Török

Testing and Training Conversation AI🤖
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Nikolett Török
Nikolett Török
started a discussion

How do you improve your chatbot?

As someone highly involved in the chatbot sector, and working with a great team every day to provide QA to all conversational AI out there, I would be interested in what tools, or approaches are popular in improving chatbots.
Nikolett Török
Nikolett Török
started a discussion

What is your biggest impediment in starting chatbot testing?

As creators of a chatbot test automation toolset, we would love to learn about the challenges you are facing with when it comes to chatbot testing and training. Would it be the lack of information about this field? Missing the right tool? No support from your organization? Share your thoughts!
Nikolett Török
Botium Crawler is the newest member of the Botium toolset. It was designed to imitate users going through all possible combinations of your chatbots dialog structure and save them as test cases for regression. Moreover it can automate the test maintenance.
Botium Chatbot Crawler
Botium Chatbot Crawler
Automate the creation of chatbot test cases
Nikolett Török
Nikolett Török
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It' nice to find our logo there, Botium! :)
MOB: Mother Of all Bots
Explore chatbot/conversational AI platforms with a bot 🤖🤓
Nikolett Török
Botium is a quality assurance framework for testing and training conversational AI.
Botium has two main modules:
* Open Source Botium Core to automate conversations with a chatbot or virtual assistant
* Botium Box for making test automation fast and easy
Bots testing Bots - The Art of Challenging Chatbots