Nikhil Kalyankar

Nikhil Kalyankar

Democratizing technology with automation
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Nikhil Kalyankar
Are you a startup? If yes, then Seqwa wants to help you! That's why we're offering our Seqwa Startup Program. We'll give you $15,000 in free credits so that you can get your business off the ground with the best search solution on the market.
Seqwa Startup Program
Seqwa Startup Program
$15000 Free Credits for Eligible Startups
Nikhil Kalyankar
Seqwa is a low-cost, easy-to-use hosted search platform. It supports: Autocomplete, Search, and Recommend. Set up a functional search utility in minutes: upload your data, generate API keys, publish a demo user interface, and search!
Empower your business with low-cost AI-Powered Search API
Nikhil Kalyankar
Stowree AI can help you write your creative works quickly, discover new story ideas and spark your imagination. It can generate 5,000 words in an hour or less. With intelligent suggestions, it will help you advance your skills by leaps and bounds.
Stowree AI
Stowree AI
GPT - AI Story Writer
Nikhil Kalyankar
Spilldash is a free Google Sheets add-on that lets you automate dashboard building in a new way. Manage dashboard with configurations like a web application but without the complexity.
A new and automated way to create reports on Google Sheets
Nikhil Kalyankar
Built for developers to bring your ideas to life with smart tools, and reusable components. The toolkit contains Modular Components, Visual Editor, Web Extractor, Adaptive Export and Component Library.
No-code design editor for rapid prototyping with TailwindCSS
Nikhil Kalyankar
Are you spending hours creating business reports to help you or your boss with the business decisions? KSemantics can help you fast-track report writing in two simple steps: write a QUERY function and run KSemantics on the function cell.
KSemantics - AI Report Writer
KSemantics - AI Report Writer
AI-powered Google Sheet add-on for writing reports