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Think Aquaman, but computers instead of fish, and technology instead of ocean. Technoman :D
What does a technical co-founder mean to you?
Domie Sharpin
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This might sound ... weird. But I listen to my heart (or body). I do the most important things in my most productive 2 hours of the day (when I have most of my energy and focus. Usually ~9am to 11am). I don't care to do more, as long as i'm consistent enough. I don't take weekends. Instread, I take off days when I wake and feel like it's one of those days when I cba to do a single thing. But in...
What is your best recipe for productivity?
Paul Biegelbauer
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You don't ... not for sure. The standard solution to this is to *launch* an MVP, and use that to *estimate* viability.
How to verify the product is market fit before its launch?
Rishi Raj
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Part of the job. The occasional break is sufficiant.
How do you deal with all the screen time?
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One hard truth I learned as a solo nobody in the space is that launching is like hitting the switch to turn on the lights. But the lights won't turn on once you hit the switch. Even tho you spend months waiting to hit the f*in switch. So you keep hitting the switch over and over, investigate the wires, the lamp, hit the switch more .. the light starts to turn on a bit ... might fade away ... so...
What do you usually do after a launch? 🚀
Carmen Jiménez
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I got a bunch of very nice ones packaged in a pretty black book with the word "Rework" written on the cover.
Whats the best startup advice that you have ever got ?
Ayush Limbad
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IMO Depends on who you are and how you present yourself. For some it creates an advantage, for others its a disadvantage.
But in general I don't think its neccessary. I've read books and watched YouTube videos of people I've never seen. It lets me generate their persona in my head (which is usually better than irl lol).
Just don't underrate text and voice compared to picture.
Do you think that showing your face in the content you create is essential? Why is that?
Marlet Kervolin
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Your question sounds too important to be answered based on what few people think (small sample size). I'd try to find if someone made a study about it. And then consider your target audiance. That said, the 12 hour clock usually takes less congintive effort for me to decypher, aside from rare occasions. The 24 one becomes more cryptic from 14:00 to 22:00.
Which is better, the 24-hour clock, or the 12-hour am/pm clock?
Alena Shikova
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I prefer the idea of a public facing demo version that's not connected to the database. Like a sandbox dummy version that anyone can play with to get a feel for what the app is. But this method might not work for every type of SaaS product.
How important is "try without an account" for a SaaS service?
Victor Jimenez
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Not to be "that guy", but i despise none of the things in the poll. I quite enjoy them all XD ... I do despise being forced to network and sell my product cause otherwise all of my hardwork brought me 0$ XD
What part of software projects do you despise?
Kai Malcolm
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My spike was about 15 people. But I did nothing other than listing my site on producthunt.
How much traffic did you get from launching on Product Hunt?
Apostolos Dedeloudis
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Love it! ... only feedback i got is the link areas being weird. Sometimes my cursor changes shapes inside the button, sometimes outside ... which is a bit confusing to me. Other than that looks great to me!
I created this landing page in 48 hours and I cannot be any prouder!!!
Siddhesh Lokare
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19 to 35 y/o ... 1-2 family size ... Millenial/Genz ... Low Income ... Student/Self-employed/Entry job ... Highshcool/Uni education ... Middle class .... has a lot of different things that need to be done ... gets stressed out easly when facing a complex thing that needs to be done (something composed of many parts/steps) ... Loves using lists/cards to organize things. Uses bins to organize...
Describe your ideal customer persona and I'll guess your product!
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"Thinking, Fast and Slow" ... Not specific to *user* psychology but i think it's relevant.
What books would you recommend to understand user psychology?
Ankita Arora
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I would also contact any ngo's / businesses in those regions that might be willing to sponsor you.
Need you all to rate my idea
Siddharth Patel
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Na i'd still be working on my own products. Money is important to me to have a comfy life but i also want to make a product that actually helps people. If the first condition is satisfied i'd still be working on the second.
Would you stop working if you get enough money to live without working for the rest of your life?
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knowing someone who knows someone who needs some design/editing work who's willing to refer them to you.
What methods are the best for getting clients for design/editing work online ?🎥
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A way to count protain/fiber/fat in my meals via a process i'd actually want to use daily. Most use long and boring forms that i might use once and abandon the first day.
What would you be looking for in a health and fitness app
Jonathon Felter
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League of legends (10% cause i like it, 90% addiction)
What type of online game do you usually play?
Jia Hong
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A real one that's genuinly nice. I don't like insensitive ones nor ones that pretend to be profesional but couldn't care less about you.
What type of work culture do you like and appreciate ?
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