Nick Freiling

Nick Freiling

Founder: StampFans
138 points
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Nick Freiling
Nick Freiling
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Does my product's name remind you of something...sexual?

It's called StampFans. No big deal, right? Well, lots of people seem to immediately think of "OnlyFans" (not an association I want). That said, the model is similar – subscribe to get creators' exclusive content. So the association isn't without its benefits! But the use-case is different – StampFans is for writing (like Substack, but for snail-mail). Should I rebrand? I have hundreds of...
Nick Freiling
Text anything to (833) 529-0370 to get your fortune! No spam, we promise. This is a fun way to use AI + SMS to engage with users and customers.
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Daily Fortune Cookie
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Nick Freiling
Nick Freiling
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Anyone have success with a "pay what you want" model?

I run StampFans – a snail-mail publishing platform. Think Substack, but for snail-mail. Writers set their own subscription fee and keep everything they earn over our $3/month/subscriber fee (this pays for postage, paper, ink, and processing). We've had several hundred people start writing on StampFans over the past few months, and most of them are charging $5/ or $6/month. A few seem to be...
Nick Freiling
Nick Freiling
started a discussion

Would you try this platform alongside your Substack?

Last December, I launched StampFans here on Product Hunt. Think Substack, but for snail-mail. You set up a StampFans, share the link with your audience, and anyone can subscribe. Once you have subscribers, you're able to send them a real, ink-on-paper letter once a month. It's a super-special experience that your readers won't soon forget ;) It's a lot like Substack, but of course, it's on...
Nick Freiling
StampFans is a snail-mail publishing platform for creators. It's the most personal way to connect with your audience and get paid for your content.
A snail-mail publishing platform for creators
Nick Freiling
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Market Research for Startups
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Nick Freiling
Nick Freiling
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I launched r/ProductMarketFit. Any tips on growing a subreddit?

I launched r/ProductMarketFit a few months ago. Got 70 members from my Twitter network, and I've shared it with a few other communities. Any other ideas to boost engagement and, in particular, encourage high-quality contributions?
Nick Freiling
Nick Freiling
started a discussion

Sharing WINS is fun. But what about our FAILS? Share your failed Product Hunt launch below!

Come on. Most of us have been there. A product idea came to you late one night. You saw the path to an MVP immediately. You got to work, programming during your lunch breaks and late into the nights. A few weeks later, your product is ready to share with the world. You launch it on Product Hunt, share it with all your friends, and... Nothing. A few crickets, maybe. And a lonely (and...
Nick Freiling
Nick Freiling
started a discussion

Are NFTs overhyped?

NFTs are a big deal. Everyone wants in on the game. Are NFTs overhyped? Why or why not?
Nick Freiling
Nick Freiling
started a discussion

Besides Product Hunt, where else should I promote my new project?

I'm launching something new soon. I'll launch on Product Hunt, but what are some other good places?
Nick Freiling
Nick Freiling
started a discussion

Has anyone here used MicroAcquire?

I'm considering MicroAcquire to offload a side-project. Has anyone here used it before? What was it like?