Nick Bradley

Nick Bradley

Hi! Growth Marketing @Figures
44 points
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Nick Bradley
Introducing PayPredict by Figures (beta), a Chrome extension offering instant salary estimates on LinkedIn profiles. Built for recruiters, HRs, and hiring managers, PayPredict uses real-time data from Figures, Europe's leading compensation management platform.
PayPredict by Figures [Beta Version]
PayPredict by Figures [Beta Version]
Get instant salary estimates on LinkedIn profiles
Nick Bradley
If you've ever tried to expand and hire talent outside of your country, you know how tricky it can be to forecast a budget, find the right competitive number, and seal the deal.
Global Salary Converter by Figures
Global Salary Converter by Figures
Convert your salary with ease
Nick Bradley
Six years after the initial release of the P9 Founder Salary Calculator, we've joined forces with Figures to release a new version, updating the methodology and adjusting it based on market data from more than 700 data points collected across Europe.
Founder Salary Calculator
How much should founders pay themselves?