Elon Cheung

Elon Cheung

more effort, more luck!
97 points
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Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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I don't like it very much. I prefer to spend time doing interesting things!
Lydia Cohen
Do you guys like watching short videos, like TikTok videos? Why?
Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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If there are other things to focus on, it's OK
Witt Teo
Can you live without phone for a day?
Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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Jason Lee
What are some excellent Low-Code/No-Code platforms & tools suitable for startups?
Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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Scientific task planning and management tools, task briefing tools, etc
Eric Tung
In teamwork, what can be done to directly improve the efficiency of cooperation?
Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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Master advanced guitar fingering skills!
Aaron Jackson
What new skills do you want to learn in 2023?
Aaron Jackson
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Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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I have no idea,Do you have any good opinions?
Elon Cheung
What cutting-edge popular industry directions and technologies do you think will be in the future?
Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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Do everything I want to try, instead of just giving time to work.
Agrima Sharma
If money were no object, what would you do?
Agrima Sharma
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Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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Bodybuilding & Grow
John Bell
Use two words to describe your 2022!
Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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Become healthier and more capable
Alice Wilson
What is your new year resolution?
+1 comment
Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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building body every day!
Vincent Chinc
How to lose weight fast?
Vincent Chinc
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Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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Got married,Hahaha!
Marko Rakic
It's almost 2023 🎄 What's your biggest achievement in 2022?
+1 comment
Elon Cheung
Elon Cheung
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Rocky Wang
Who will be the winner of the World Cup in Qatar?