Rahul Kumar is an AI scientist, deep learning practitioner, and independent researcher. Author of 2 books "Python Deep Learning Projects" and "Python: Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence" and a few research publications on Biomedical/Bioimaging domain. He has expertise in building multilingual NLU systems and large-scale AI infrastructure solutions. Rahul is currently involved in a few research topics like Making AI Explainable and DeepRL for NLP to solve continuous learning.
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Maker History
- Browsing Bliss!🤖 AI + Browser = Browsing Bliss! ✨Jul 2023
- AI Reader AssistantBe lazy and keep reading your favourite content.Jan 2023
- DeepLearning in JS Hands-on6 applied Deep Learning projects written in JavaScriptJan 2023
- Ultimate AI Bookmarks 📚An exclusive list of bookmarks curated to learn AI.Sep 2020
- Footprint DatabaseFootprint-Database is a dataset of footprint images.Feb 2019