Elizabeth Tishchenko

Elizabeth Tishchenko

Co-founder at Nevemind.
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Elizabeth Tishchenko
Elizabeth Tishchenko
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Simple and clear use case. Will check back for new updates. Congrats!
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Elizabeth Tishchenko
Elizabeth Tishchenko
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How do you manage your customer's base?

Do you use CRM? Does it work out for you?
Elizabeth Tishchenko
Elizabeth Tishchenko
started a discussion

Your perfect work environment is...

If you were to design your perfect distraction-free environment where you get most of your work done, what would it be? For some, it's a flight, a home office, a quiet cafe, or a co-working space. What's yours?
Elizabeth Tishchenko
Elizabeth Tishchenko
left a comment
Looks super easy and straightforward! Congratulations on your launch 🚀
Easiest way to add a referral program to your SaaS
Elizabeth Tishchenko
Elizabeth Tishchenko
started a discussion

Roasting for roasting. I will review your website.

We are making changes to our website and I'm seeking for an honest feedback on https://nevemind.com: - Is the narrative clear? - Anything you find confusing? - Do you understand who is it for, etc. - Any apparent bugs we've overseen? In return I will roast each of your websites via Loom!