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Jordan Nemrow
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Congrats Auren and team! Lots or progress from V1.

Placekey 2.0
Join Places Data Seamlessly

Super Secret Startup
Machine Learning, Drones, AI, AR, VR, Deep Frying

Jordan Nemrow
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This is amazing. Gonna fork it and implement Robinhood trading.

A stock-trading bot powered by Trump tweets

Win at Losing
How Our Biggest Setbacks Can Lead to Our Greatest Gains

Jordan Nemrow
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This is way cool! I think I could justify this roided-out selfie stick for around $299 or so. It also doesn't say anything about being waterproof, so I would worry about taking it the the beach / kayaking etc.
Hover Camera Passport
This self-flying camera drone is the new selfie stick

Jordan Nemrow
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Great work. I just DL'd the app. I'd love to chat. nemrowj @ gmail. Shoot me a message.

Openfolio 2.0
Invest with friends - entirely new version of app

Jordan Nemrow
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Really great idea. I would love to connect. nemrowj at gmail.
Fanduel for the stock market

Jordan Nemrow
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This is by far the most important and revolutionary product I have seen so far in 2016.

Sacca Shirts
How to really dress like a billionaire.

Jordan Nemrow
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I really enjoyed reading this thread as it showcased what I like most about being in the startup world, and that is there is no ONE WAY to do things. There are very successful products that spent years and tons of $$$ before getting to market. On the contrary, many successful products have been launched in the few hours for no $. There are many cases where using this service for to get a quick...

Tiller Labs
Get an MVP in 30 days for $18k

Jordan Nemrow
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Very useful API @abgeorgiana and @tilomitra. Can't wait to play around with it. What are some cool apps/products that have incorporated Houndify already?

Add a voice enabled conversational interface to anything

Jordan Nemrow
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Great work @dfry09. To piggyback off of @shyrosenzweig and the copyright issues, how do you envision monetizing this concept? I have heard of apps that have similar functionality, but the end users are journalists / bloggers who purchase the content for their commercial use. It doesn't appear this is the direction you are going, but I thought I'd open up that question, and see what you guys are...

Sports highlights straight from the crowd

Jordan Nemrow
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Just ordered one for my Dad who can never find shirts that fit him (lifelong problem for him).

Ash & Anvil Everyday Shirt
Casual button downs designed for shorter guys

Jordan Nemrow
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I experimented with ChocolateChip-UI a few years ago to quickly get simple list-styled app ported to iOS using Phonegap. It ended up being really slow and kept crashing. Has anyone had any success stories lately with it? I am sure it has improved from when I used it.

Light, customizable front-end framework for apps and sites

Jordan Nemrow
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I think this is great. I've been on a few cruises and remember the terrible booking experiences I have had. I was just playing around with it for a little bit and tried to book a trip, but it took me to a page where I had to email someone to book my trip. Is this an edge case I ran into? If so, is this something you can solve in the long term?
Online cruise booking re-imagined

Jordan Nemrow
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I've been using Jukely for a few months now. LOVE IT.
Jukely 2.0
Go to hundreds of concerts for one monthly fee 💃

Jordan Nemrow
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I really want one, but living in the Mission in SF requires me to carry extra cash. It sounds like 8 bills is about max for these. Great product though.

A beautiful minimal card wallet with ID-protection

Jordan Nemrow
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Algolia never ceases to amaze me.

instantsearch.js by Algolia
JavaScript UI library for building great search experiences

Jordan Nemrow
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Really sleek and eye-catching product. What is the average lifespan of the jellyfish, and how much do they cost shipped to my door?

Jellyfish Aquarium
Live jellyfish give your eyes a break from the screen