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We feature courses or products discounted according to the customer’s Purchasing Power Parity. Part of your audience might live in a country which isn't a great global purchasing power.
PPP Makers
Apps with deals for countries with lower purchasing power 💰

Gabriel Nechita
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I was sold on this framework since I've read Adam's excelent article CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns"
A few days before reading Adam's article I was actually working on my own implementation of a utility css framework for the SPA application I'm building for my client.
In a component driven app like any...

Tailwind CSS
A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development

Gabriel Nechita
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Guys, I know you probably don't like giving out your details, but you can always give bad info or just use disposable email addresses.

Web Design Book Of Trends 2017
61 examples showcasing great web design techniques

Gabriel Nechita
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Great examples, very useful for those working on the UI side.
I'm usually using UXPin's ebooks as a first-step in my research when looking to build a new interface or looking for ways to improve current ones.

Web Design Book Of Trends 2017
61 examples showcasing great web design techniques

Web Design Book Of Trends 2017
61 examples showcasing great web design techniques

Gabriel Nechita
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Had the same idea a few years ago, but I couldn't deliver it as I didn't have any programming skills. Glad someone built something similar.
Good luck with your idea.

This is Clickbait
Detects Facebook posts as clickbait using deep learning

Gabriel Nechita
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Automate the Boring Stuff is a great book geared towards knowledge works and how to improve your daily work, by finding clever ways to deliver the most boring tasks.
The entire book is free to read on the website.
A few things you could automate:
- Search for text in a file or across multiple files
- Create, update, move, and rename files and folders
- Search the Web and download online...

Automate the Boring Stuff
Do in minutes what would take you hours & learn Python

Automate the Boring Stuff
Do in minutes what would take you hours & learn Python

Gabriel Nechita
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Even if you are not interested in becoming a Data Scientist, I think it's useful to read Roger D. Peng's & Elizabeth Matsui's book The Art of Data Science in order to understand the process of analyzing data.
Oh, did I mention you can get the book for free? :)

The Art of Data Science
A guide for anyone who works with data

The Art of Data Science
A guide for anyone who works with data

Gabriel Nechita
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Hey everyone,
I'm the maker of Courses.GURU, my newest side-project.
With Courses.GURU I plan to curate the best online courses and to improve/shorten people's search for great courses.
**Background Story**
I've been hoarding online courses for the past few years. When my friends start looking for online courses, usually they ask me if I know any good ones. I always take into account their...

Curated online courses for learning addicts.

Gabriel Nechita
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I really find this idea amazing because I personally know a lot of people with ideas willing to connect with remote developers/freelancers to build a product, but they lacked a transparent tool to manage this whole relationship.
Loom really makes this whole connection thing very easy.
You can pay the freelancer with equity or cash.
I also added the founders to this post, so hopefully they...

Build ideas with equity.

Build ideas with equity.