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Do you participate? or do you speculate? View your on-chain participation with a GitHub-like contribution graph for monthly transactions on Ethereum. Easily share your graph direct to Twitter and subscribe via email for your monthly report.

ETH Activity
Visualize your on-chain monthly Ethereum transactions

We're all born again the first time we use Ethereum. Eth Birthdays is a web app + Twitter bot that lets you wish crypto friends a Happy Ethereum Birthday (their first ever transaction) on Twitter.

Ethereum Birthdays
What's your Ethereum birthday

Suzy Snooze is a new breed of baby monitor that actively helps your child get to sleep. Her soothing light and sound creates a comfortable and familiar environment, so your child gets to sleep faster and sleeps more happily. Connect Suzy to the BleepBleeps app and she becomes an audio baby monitor.
Suzy Snooze
All-in-one smart nightlight, sleep soother and baby monitor