Sven Navez

Sven Navez

Indie iOS developer from Belgium.
20 points
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Sven Navez
Transform your life with HabitScore, the ultimate habit tracker. No streaks, just points for completing habits. Earn rewards and build a better you. Track daily, weekly, and monthly habits.
Focus on your habits, not on your streaks
Sven Navez
Health Stats is a dashboard for Apple Health and Fitness. You can watch your lifetime (and other data ranges) health and fitness data in a clear way. It is also possible to view details of said data including averages and personal bests.
Health Stats 2.0
Health Stats 2.0
Dashboard for Apple health and fitness
Sven Navez
Health Stats is a dashboard that displays your data that is stored in the Health app on your iPhone. You can choose for which date range, in what distance unit (km or mi) and in what energy unit (kcal or kJ) you want to view your stats.
Health Stats
Health Stats
Dashboard for Apple Health data