Nate Legler

Nate Legler

Farmer, Founder, Cattle Producer
161 points
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Nate Legler
Nate Legler
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Non-Paid Employee #1 Co-Founder Title?

So this is a bit of a wild question. I have built with some help from contractors a functioning MVP. Have brought on the first 6 companies and the first 350 users for giving it a good test. Collecting the feedback and making necessary changes. I'm looking at bringing on someone else to handle more of the Marketing/Communication side. I enjoy the behind the scenes stuff like building, talking...
Nate Legler
Nate Legler
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@thepatwalls glad to see it launch 😂
Starter Story
Discover the stories behind successful e-commerce businesses
Nate Legler

Startup Story interviews successful e-commerce entrepreneurs and shares their story behind their business. In each interview, they ask how they got started, how they grew and how they run their business today.

Starter Story
Starter Story
Interviews In E-Commerce
Nate Legler
Helping You Keep On Keeping On
Nate Legler
Music for how you feel!
Nate Legler
Nate Legler
left a comment
Well done!
IPO List
Curated list of publicly traded tech companies. 🦄
Nate Legler
App Press
App Press
Creating a mobile app shouldn’t be hard
Nate Legler
Nate Legler
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Great marketplace to find an illustrator for your projects.
Focus on creating things, leave the details to us
Nate Legler

Artisfy is a project management solution for professional digital illustrators

Focus on creating things, leave the details to us
Nate Legler
Nate Legler
left a comment
This would be nice if there was a standalone web version
Summarize web articles on your iPhone
Nate Legler
Nate Legler
left a comment
Just seen this featured in the App Store's "New Apps We Love"
Listen to your favorite news sites when you can't read them