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Tres Cosas makes it fun to do focus on three simple things each day to move your life forward. Use it to make progress on your health, relationships and career.

Tres Cosas
Move your life forward with three easy things

Nathan Kontny
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Hey everyone! It's been a bit since I've rolled out a project on my own. I ventured into this side project to inject some momentum back into different corners of my life: shedding some extra weight, reconnecting with old friends, and reigniting my passion for crafting new software for myself. A massive shoutout to Ali Abdaal's "Feel Good Productivity" for sparking the idea of daily "side...

Tres Cosas
Move your life forward with three easy things

Nathan Kontny
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Suuuuuper interesting. Great job recognizing the problem here. Analytics is still the wild west and it's impressive to see tooling and strategy around wrangling this stuff into version control, validation, planning, etc. Great job. I know our customers are going to enjoy the outcome of using this.
Capture customer data you trust

Nathan Kontny
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Love products that find dimensions people care about and go the other direction to create something truly different. Fidelity: everyone else is focusing on sharper photos, this creates a nostalgic version. Speed: everything is instant, this is tomorrow. Great job guys. Also like the example this shows of shipping something with a notion page versus worrying about needing the perfect URL and web...

Nostalgic disposable camera app

My daughter's lemonade stand, except for our pandemic times: a mask stand. Take a mask. Pay what you can. (Not shipping. You can pay to support the project or pay for a mask you've taken from our table.) Please steal this idea.

Wear A Mask, Please
Take a mask. Pay what you can.

Nathan Kontny
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My 6 year old daughter wanted help starting business. A lemonade stand was the obvious idea. But the idea that seemed to make more sense for today was a mask stand. We put out some masks for people to take and pay us later for. Immediately folks started taking masks. We'll plan on doing this again soon. And we also want people to steal this idea. If people are taking masks from some sketchy...

Wear A Mask, Please
Take a mask. Pay what you can.

🛠 Census is the most flexible data automation platform that syncs your data warehouse with Salesforce, Google Sheets, and more! Get your go to market teams on the same page by sharing the same customer data. No engineering favors required.
Your customer data, in all your tools ⚡

Nathan Kontny
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Hey all! Something new I've had a part in helping launch today: Census. The team's been super diligent getting us to this point. I'm proud of them and was thrilled to join in March to collaborate.
The project got my interest for a couple reasons. First, the interesting whitespace they found in what first appears to be a crowded market of helping folks get data plumbed to the right places....
Your customer data, in all your tools ⚡

Nathan Kontny
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Hilariously, what I thought I had licked: Google Reviewing the App to make the scary Login page go away hasn't happened correctly yet. Sorry y'all if that pushes you away from trying the app. Hopefully it doesn't. Working now to get that fixed.

A/B test YouTube titles & thumbnails

Ever wanted to see if a different thumbnail or title could get you more views? We have. So we built this super simple tool to quickly test your YouTube videos. We'll determine if another title or thumbnail performs better than your original within 24 hours.

A/B test YouTube titles & thumbnails

Nathan Kontny
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Given how important it is to have a great thumbnail and title for your YouTube video, it's surprising there weren't some easier and better ways to test them. So we built one ourselves. Over a year ago! Unfortunately, I (Nate) never launched it. I got caught in a classic founder trap. I wanted more features which led to more rabbit holes and I never launched the useful thing we already had. So I...

A/B test YouTube titles & thumbnails

Stop motion is awesome, and stop motion is awful. But now, instead of taking picture after picture, you can just record a video of you manipulating your scene. Upload it to Locomotion. And let it do the magic of finding the good parts.

Finally, easy stop motion movies

Nathan Kontny
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And if you find Locomotion handy, Product Hunters can use this code when purchasing a license to get it half off: producthunt
Locomotion came from a ton of pain trying to make my filmmaking more interesting. Then there was a ton of pain actually trying to figure out how to build Locomotion :) I wanted to give up constantly, but it's finally a super handy tool I'm using like crazy to add some...

Finally, easy stop motion movies

Nathan Kontny
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We've been getting some great traffic to our blog lately, but email subscriptions are awful. There's a lot of things to try, but as I was scoping out best practices I saw @dharmesh and the @hubspot crew using a "Subscribe with Slack" button. Thought we could try that, and why not give everyone access to a similar service. Let me know what you think. How are email subscriptions going for you?

Create a "Subscribe with Slack" button for your blog

Email subscriptions to our blog are abysmal these days. So inspired by HubSpot and crew, I wanted to try and have people "Subscribe with Slack" to our blog and let others try this same avenue to get repeat visitors.

Create a "Subscribe with Slack" button for your blog

Trick a Journalist
The next "innovation" in email marketing

Nathan Kontny
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It's been too long since we updated the app. But we think it's worth it. It was a total rewrite using C# and Microsoft's Xamarin. I interview @michaeldwan about it here if you want the nitty gritty dev details:
It's a great stack that now allows us to have a single code base with native speed working on Android and iOS.
If anyone has any...

Highrise 3.0 for iOS
Simple CRM for iOS

Highrise 3.0 for iOS
Simple CRM for iOS