Nils Herrmann

Nils Herrmann

Marketing at Geckoboard
32 points
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Nils Herrmann
Get daily updates about what’s happening in your business – without leaving Slack. Geckoboard’s Slack integration makes sure that you will never miss crucial company trends and developments ever again.
Geckoboard Snapshots for Slack
Geckoboard Snapshots for Slack
Send your data to Slack. Make your key metrics unmissable.
Nils Herrmann
TV dashboards by Geckoboard: the easiest way to broadcast key metrics for your team. Access your data wherever it lives, and bring it all together on a live TV dashboard - in minutes.
The all-new Geckoboard
The all-new Geckoboard
TV dashboards that make your most important metrics visible
Nils Herrmann
Nils Herrmann
left a comment is a tool that we actively use!
Parham Negahdar
Which SaaS tools does your team use the most?
Parham Negahdar
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Nils Herrmann
Nils Herrmann
started a discussion

How do you assure that relevant data is seen by your team?

How do you or your team become aware of important business metrics? Do you send out daily/weekly/monthly spreadsheets to all relevant stakeholders? Do you show your team/company data on a wallboard? And what kind of tools are you using?