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Muthu Arumugam
Muthu Arumugam
started a discussion

What was the time you realized that your idea or company truly impacted the change you wished?

Raising capital is one data point to see whether you can make an impact but it’s not a true metric. Then when do you realize that your idea is taking its effect?
Muthu Arumugam
Muthu Arumugam
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We offer QR codes for events to offer NFTs without any knowledge on crypto
Gloria G
Describe the best feature of your product in one sentence
Muthu Arumugam
Resume businesses in the new normal. Monitor provides the necessary tools and oversight to manage a safe and healthy workplace.
Employees can Check In, report Daily COVID-19 Screening and also Body Temperature to monitor and prevent spread in workplace.
Monitor by Tracelinks
Monitor by Tracelinks
Back to work tools for businesses
Muthu Arumugam
Cashew - Secure Messaging
Cashew - Secure Messaging
Privacy & Security for all your Communication