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ProductHired 2.0 is the largest career platform specifically for product managers, product marketing managers & product owners! ProductHired is focused on you, your skills, your employers, your career!

ProductHired 2.0
Largest career platform specifically for product leaders

Creating the largest product professional job and career site in the world:
11,000+ jobs, 70+ countries!
Post any PM role for FREE!
Paid tiers: get 75% off, Promo: 20SXSW19, if you promise to do a video feedback session w/ us. Exp: 3/25/19

Largest product professional's job board in the world

BoomWriter lets Students collaboratively write stories with classmates and become a published author!
BoomWriter gives you the first chapter of the story, and you and your classmates then write what happens next. Everybody votes for their favorite and the winner becomes the next chapter. The cycle continues until the class has a finished book!

Collaborative Writing Platform for K-12