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Konbert is a fast, secure and easy to use conversion tool that works both with small and huge datasets.
It supports reading and writing the most common formats: CSV, JSON, Avro, Excel, SQL, XML and HTML.

Convert between data formats with a single tool

Mohamed Boudra
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Hello PH :)
Konbert is for anyone that works with data files (Excel, JSON, CSV, Avro etc.). It is an easy to use tool for automatic conversions between widely used data formats without the need to write a single line of code. Use it to convert your plain text data to a proper database or migrate between data formats, it's up to you!
What makes this different than the other converters out...

Convert between data formats with a single tool

Mohamed Boudra
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Hello PH!
We released SanerJobs a few months ago and we've been curating and adding jobs to the site since then, we're pretty excited to finally launch it here :)
We want to provide a job board for people that are looking for a job at a company that they'll enjoy working at.
SanerJobs automatically calculates a work-life balance score for all positions based on the benefits, hours, salary...
Curated jobs ranked by a work-life balance score

SanerJobs curates and ranks job positions and companies with a work-life balance score.
Find jobs at forward-thinking companies that care about the wellbeing of their employees.
Curated jobs ranked by a work-life balance score

Mohamed Boudra
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I've been working on Frontdeck for the last month, really excited to start talking about it :)
It's a no code website builder that can pull content from any source (Google Sheets, Airtable, Contentful, APIs etc.)
It's still early days but it's starting to take shape! Here's a video showcasing some of the features:
I'd appreciate some feedback on...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 6th of January)
Aaron O'Leary
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Mohamed Boudra
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Hello, your landing page could use a copy review, I can see some grammar issues.
For example, the main headline is wrong:
> Remote Leaf search the entire internet and hand-pick thousands of remote jobs, so you don’t have to.
It could be written like this:
> We search the entire internet and hand-pick thousands of remote jobs, so you don’t have to.
Or like this:
> Remote Leaf...
Roast my landing page - Remote Leaf
Abinaya from Remote Leaf
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Mohamed Boudra
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Hello PH!
This is a small website we built over a weekend to help people easily find eco-firendly alternatives to everyday products in one place. We believe going zero waste should be easy 😃
We are also planning on opening it up and allow users to add products and alternatives soon! Follow us on Twitter to know when it happens!
Find eco-friendly alternatives to products you use everyday

EcoAlternatives is a website that helps you find eco-friendly alternatives to normal products we use everyday.
Find eco-friendly alternatives to products you use everyday

Conversion engine to easily convert between large JSON, CSV and SQL.
We also have an API available, to convert from your own servers and applications

JSON, CSV and SQL converter