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Matt Fisher
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I've just launched Candidate Code on PH, a service to help busy software engineers manage take home recruitment tests:
I suspect I should have done a little more upfront to understand the process and get a little more community engagement going beforehand... but it's my first product submission here, and half the...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 7 October)
Aaron O'Leary
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Matt Fisher
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I've found well-designed take home coding tests to be a great way of assessing potential hires during a recruitment process. I've also found that take home tests can be really hard to manage for a growing team: lost emails from HR; incomplete submissions returned ad-hoc via zipped attachments and google drive uploads; reviews and feedback from your own engineers are often difficult to keep...

Candidate Code
Take home coding test management for effective hiring teams

Candidate Code makes it trivially simple to issue your existing take home coding tests through Git, collect the results and review them collaboratively.

Candidate Code
Take home coding test management for effective hiring teams

Matt Fisher
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Massive congratulations @sicdesign - that's huge!
I got my first sale! 🥳
Efimov Ivan
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Matt Fisher
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That report page is excellent reading @theanthonyware (and very well presented). I've downloaded the full report and will make time to read at some point soon. Thank you!
For myself, I find mindfulness meditation very helpful - but often fall out of the habit of doing it regularly.
[Edit: UK/32/White/Male - so I'm a long way from the 'underestimated founder' demographic you're focusing on,...
Startup founders, what are your self-care practices?
anthony ware
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Matt Fisher
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Hi Artem - I suspect the answer from most people will be "yes" in some form or another. To clarify, are you talking about market research (surveys, demographic research, online monitoring, outreach emails) or user/product usage research (e.g. in house user testing sessions, analytics to get insight into user behaviour, community beta programs)?
Do you do User Research?
Artem Galenko
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Matt Fisher
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Hey there @yeah92x
I'm not in a position to download the app right now, but I thought I could offer some feedback on the landing page:
* Love the book heavy imagery - I found the child reading by torchlight bringing back a lot of memories. That kind of pathos is a great way of connecting with people, and a wonderful hook for a writing app
* I'd love to know a little bit more about what...
Help validating and providing feedback for a writing app
Praveen J
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