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The scientific evidence is overwhelming that we can reduce virus transmission with homemade masks. Please protect yourself and others by wearing a homemade mask in public and asking that others do the same!

Wear a homemade mask to slow the spread of COVID-19

Growth Everywhere - Misha Chellam, Tradecraft
Tech talent for growing companies in just 12 weeks

Misha Chellam
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Nice work @spyuchan!

Nine by #2015bestnine
Meet Instagrammers through your best 9 photos on Instagram

Misha Chellam
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This looks awesome @bellebcooper Congrats on putting it together and getting it out into the world!

Productive Habits
Learn how to work smarter, not harder, in four weeks

Misha Chellam
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I haven't even checked out the product yet (I will a bit later today) but my favorite part is that @jason stayed up to post this himself and then hang out to answer comments. You've had your f'u money exit + worth an additional 10s if not 100s of millions on the Uber deal. And yet still hungry for product feedback and engagement with users. Respect.

Quick news every time you open a new tab

Misha Chellam
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I'm downloading it today. This seems like a perfect app for self-guided meditation.

A simple meditation timer for iPhone

Misha Chellam
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This seems awesome. Also, I love one of your first featured products (@noblebrewer)

Get startup shares in the products you use & love

Misha Chellam
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@lyle Nice work!

Share silly sound clips with friends 🔊 &dmxbark

Misha Chellam
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Whoa. Intense but eloquent.

Goodbye Warden
The last words from executed death row inmates

Misha Chellam
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I've had this product. And it is amazing and tasty and delicious.

Noble Brewer
Etsy for craft beers

Sound advice from top experts, all under 3 minutes.

Misha Chellam
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I love the idea of a non-digital wearable that serves many functional purposes.

Tread by Leatherman
An analog wearable

Tread by Leatherman
An analog wearable

Misha Chellam
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Excited about additional personalization within Flipboard. It is already one of the few daily-use apps on my phone; I'm eager to see whether this personalization makes my usage even more sticky.

Flipboard 3.0
Discover, collect and share all the news you care about

Flipboard 3.0
Discover, collect and share all the news you care about

Misha Chellam
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This is so friggin' awesome.

Produck Hunt
Duck Hunt + iPhone + Product Hunt

Misha Chellam
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Super late to this party, but on the RelateIQ point, a key difference is that Conspire is free, and RIQ is not. cc @pauljmcr @rrhoover

Leverage your extended email network to get the best intro.

Discoverly Gmail Plugin
Picking up where Rapportive left off

Misha Chellam
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@rrhoover Did I just get my first Product Hunt notification?

Polyvore (iOS)
Fashion, design, & style shopping personalized for you