Minjie Shi

Minjie Shi

I am a UX Designer and I make stuff.
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Minjie Shi
To install or not, that's the question for ChatGPT plugins now 🧐 Plugin Pub comes to the rescue. Think of it as the app store for plugins. It assigned a category for each plugin and some idea about its use cases so that you can make the choice with ease.
Plugin Pub
Find the right ChatGPT plugin you truly need
Minjie Shi
Google Universal Analytics (GA3) is sun-setting for GA4. Come and see the countdown in business days for the last day of universal analytics.
Countdown in business days for Google Universal Analytics
Minjie Shi
The Prompt Craftsman is crafted for curious minds and enthusiasts who are always eager to learn and stay updated about AI. It is created to keep you informed on the latest tips & tricks to get better results from AI models and news from the world of AI.
The Prompt Craftsman
Your weekly practical guide to get better results from AI
Minjie Shi
Minjie Shi
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Glide, Webflow, Zapier
Share your favourite no-code tool/s?
Minjie Shi
Minjie Shi
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Such a great idea! Looking forward to trying it out.
Turn any video into an interactive, automated webinar
Minjie Shi
Minjie Shi
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Boom! An awesome no-code app builder!
The easiest way to build monetizable apps with no code
Minjie Shi
Minjie Shi
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Finally, I get to try something with GPT. Excited to give it a go!
GPT-3 powered content marketing that feels like magic