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  • Milap Singh

    Milap Singh

    Building dyte
    10 points
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    Milap Singh
    Milap Singh
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    Try to make todo list and complete it by office time
    Kevin Lu
    How do you balance life and work?
    Milap Singh
    Milap Singh
    left a comment
    Not at all until it necessary
    Sneha Nair
    Do you prefer signing in to a website with your email and password or with third-party services?
    Milap Singh
    Milap Singh
    left a comment
    Plan a short vacation, camping or trekking.
    Sofia Altıntaş
    What do you do to motivate yourself when you feel stressed or overwhelmed?
    Sofia Altıntaş
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    Milap Singh
    Milap Singh
    left a comment
    Feedback could help product to be developed in right direction.
    Akshat Jain
    Why is it important to collect customer feedback early in the product development process?
    Milap Singh
    Milap Singh
    left a comment
    Totally, plus dedicated team who support at every step
    Sule Gorgulu
    What are the must-have items to include in a Product Hunt launch checklist?
    Milap Singh
    Milap Singh
    left a comment
    Waiting waiting ..
    Sarah Wright
    Where do we go from Twitter?
    Sarah Wright
    Milap Singh
    Milap Singh
    left a comment
    Video content
    Thomas Yanik
    Do you prefer podcasts, videos, or blog posts?
    Milap Singh
    Milap Singh
    left a comment
    Start with office slack and land on twitter
    Soumya Chaturvedi
    What is the first thing you check on phone everyday ?
    Soumya Chaturvedi
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    Milap Singh
    Milap Singh
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    It depends upon the location. but yes i can.
    Ger DLR
    Can you go a week without a phone?
    Milap Singh
    Milap Singh
    left a comment
    If its productive and innovative, otherwise it's just waste of time
    Natallia Shakhmetava
    What do you think about higher education, is it necessary these days?
    Natallia Shakhmetava
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