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Mike Donovan
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Damn, for a second I thought this said "Stop Casey Neistat" and I got excited!
Shop Casey Neistat
Official merchandise from Casey Neistat
Mike Donovan
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I love the idea but the price is really prohibitive.
An ever changing desk for your ever changing needs
Mike Donovan
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Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems the big difference with this dongle than the troves of them on Amazon is that this one still allows you to control the call/volume with the earpiece controls. It seems many on Amazon are forced to disable these controls for some reason.
Listen to music and charge your iPhone 7
Mike Donovan
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I think this is great and am giving it a try as we speak!
One question — do you have plans for implementing options, like being able to hide the text portion of the label and just show the favicon — or vice-versa? I already use Gmail's native labels extensively to try to tame the influx of brand emails I receive and it starts to become a bit long-winded/semi-redundant to have two labels both...
Gmail Sender Icons
Know the sender's company by adding favicons to Gmail
Mike Donovan
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Less robo-voice, drunk blinks, and botox blips. More engaging, normal, and calm please.
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