Ridi Xhaferaj

Ridi Xhaferaj

Business Student and Founder
20 points
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Ridi Xhaferaj
Ridi Xhaferaj
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What do investors look for on a pitch?

Currently looking for investors but I do not know what it is they want to hear.
Ridi Xhaferaj
Ridi Xhaferaj
started a discussion

How do you protect an idea?

I have a business idea I want to pursue and I am looking for investors. If I use a crowd founder like kickstart and I post my idea can't someone just steal it and do it them selves. My idea is not a product but a platform, can I pattern it?
Ridi Xhaferaj
Ridi Xhaferaj
started a discussion

What is a good number of sign ups for a waiting list for a platform that hasn't launched yet?

I am doing a pre launch campaign on a platform with the goal of getting people to sign up to waiting list. How do I determine what is a good number of sign ups?
Ridi Xhaferaj
Ridi Xhaferaj
started a discussion

Do you have any tips on how to wireframe an app?

My main issue is that I am not creative enough. Any tips would be much appreciated.
Ridi Xhaferaj
Ridi Xhaferaj
started a discussion

Looking to buy a laptop for around £500, what should I get?

I want to buy a laptop for around £500. I need it to work from home. Not looking to play games or use it for heavy editing or coding. Any recommendations?
Ridi Xhaferaj
Ridi Xhaferaj
left a comment
Priority Updates- it's an app for your phone. Honestly really good. I would definitely recommend it.
Business Marketing with Nika
What's the best (non-AI) product you've come across in the last week?
Business Marketing with Nika
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Ridi Xhaferaj
Ridi Xhaferaj
left a comment
"Lose it" is a great app
Cihan Abut
Are there any new health and wellness apps that you've found helpful for tracking fitness goals ?