Michael Oblak

Michael Oblak

Sheetsu.com founder
289 points
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Michael Oblak

Sheetsu Handlebars is a child of a low-code and Google Sheets. You can change your website straight from a spreadsheet without extra code.

The steps are simple - every place where you want to add any custom value, taken from Sheets, you add {{ handlebars }} into your code.

Sheetsu Handlebars
Change web or mobile content with Google Sheet
Michael Oblak

Table for Medium is a tool to easily embed spreadsheets and tables in your Medium posts.

Table for Medium
The easiest way to embed beautiful tables into your stories.
Michael Oblak
Sheetsu Pages
Sheetsu Pages
Host websites from Google Drive
Michael Oblak
Freelance copywriters on demand
Michael Oblak

Sheetsu is the simplest backend for startups from Google Spreadsheets and hosting from Google Drive

Turn Google Spreadsheet into API