Michael Stan

Michael Stan

Helping businesses managing money
67 points
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Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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Free Financial Modelling Help in Return for Feedback

Hi everyone, If you are startup founder struggling to build a financial models or updating them every time they go out of date so you can show it to investors, I totally understand the challenge. That's why I'm offering 10 founders FREE advice on building their financial models in exchange for valuable feedback on our new financial modelling tool. Here's what you'll get: - Expert Guidance:...
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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Before spending money would you like to know what will be the long term impact of that?

like before spending money on Holidays would you like to know how that will impact your end balance one month after holidays or the same month as holidays?
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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Does cost of living crisis affected your entrepreneur journey?

For me unfortunately I lost few good people working with me on the ecosystem that we are building and had to find the replacement. It's always hard especially when you working with someone for a long time. Has your business been affected in a similar way?
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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Can I ask for feedback?

This is a new onboarding process to find product market fit, for Uniflow. I would appreciate the feedback and whether you understand what value would bring to you! Figma prototype - https://www.figma.com/proto/Bc6UOCR2SwjEXQ83WBiCZU/New-Onboarding-Uniflow-LTD?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=1-1182&viewport=420%2C314%2C0.21&t=Tg8SiCgLYVEFxt2r-1&scaling=min-zoom
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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What do you think about this new onboarding?

This is a new onboarding process to find product market fit, for Uniflow. I would appreciate the feedback and whether you understand what value would bring to you! Figma prototype -...
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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Does this design make sense?

If so, can you tell me what value that would bring to you? https://www.figma.com/file/Bc6UOCR2SwjEXQ83WBiCZU/New-Onboarding-Uniflow-LTD?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=nRCjBzvCblIV7W5b-1
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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What are you using to create your financial model?

If you don't know how to build one, fill the form I will be more then happy to help: https://9jbvz5947x5.typeform.com/to/RGSClCIA P.S no personal data will be shared in the typeform
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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Would you want to see how much money (personally) will you have at the end of this year?

Download Uniflow for free, connect your bank account and see the future, of what is possible! google store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.uniflow.uniflow_mobile Apple store:https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/uniflow/id6448355870?platform=iphone and don't forget to leave me some feedback :) https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelstan1409/
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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Why did it take us 2.5 months to launch in apple store?

See the video: https://youtu.be/1MJ4D6jow0U Download the apps: Google store app link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.uniflow.uniflow_mobile Apple app store link - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/uniflow/id6448355870
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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Accepted by apple after 2.5 months, anyone can relate?

We have finally manage to release our app to apple store. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/uniflow/id6448355870 You can also download it on Play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.uniflow.uniflow_mobile
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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What would you like to know about running finances?

What would you like to know from the finance perspective about running a business or running your personal finances?
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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Do you manage your personal finances while building a business?

When I lost my first business, I realised it was because of my poor cash flow management and lack of financial literacy both on the personal and business level. I came to realisation how important it is after the fact unfortunately.
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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What are you thoughts on Humane?

They released the product on Thursday last week, you can see it for yourself if you missed it - https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7129067675187605504/ and I think the goal over here is to make people stop using phones, what do you think?
Michael Stan
Michael Stan
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What has been Your hardest day as a business owner?

For me as much as I love what I do and I fall in love in creating software, Even tho you create the product that everyone should use, to make it happend, to make people use it has been more difficult then finding the professional development team without a salary, or getting meeting with investors(they were just waste of time) :)