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Michael Le
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Bartender has always been one of the first programs I install on my macbooks. 7+ year fan.

Bartender 4
Award-winning app for macOS that superpowers your menu bar

Michael Le
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You can add some structured data (json+ld) for the recipes to SEO better.

Hacks to make instant ramen even better

Michael Le
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"No task is a long one but the task on which one dare not start. It becomes a nightmare" - How To Get Rich by Felix Dennis
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Michael Le
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I'm enjoying tailwind css, this kit should cut my development time. Thanks for a great product.

Tailwind UI Kit
600+ components, 30 templates, React, Angular, & Vue support

Michael Le
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Always the first thing I install. I mapped my capslock to Alfred too.

Alfred 4.3
Alfred is now Universal and adds gorgeous Big Sur theming

Michael Le
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Such a clever name!

Plant Parenthood
A digital companion and community for plant parents 🌱

Michael Le
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Looks good, hopefully it'll clear my inbox a bit.

Automated email digests from Twitter, Reddit, YouTube & more

Michael Le
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I think there is gaps on both sides. University doesn't prepare you for the actual work, but self taught doesn't prepare you for the foundational concepts and algorithms.
The most important thing is the willingness to learn. Our field changes a lot, so people should expect to be learning new things.
I believe real world experience helps more than the a degree.
Do you think a university degree is relevant for tech jobs?
Laura Vasquez
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The Tim Ferriss Show - Scott Adams: The Man Behind Dilbert
Scott Adams (@scottadamssays) is the creator of the Dilbert…