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Brian Chesky on Launching Airbnb & The Challenges of Scale
Stories from Company Builders
Educate Yourself #002: Dr. Bror Saxberg
The future of education and EdTech
Educate Yourself #001: Anya Kamenetz
The Future of Learning and EdTech
Venture for America - VFA founder Andrew Yang
Smart people should build things
Foundation - Kevin Rose interviews Chris Sacca
From millions in debt to billionaire venture capitalist
To Sell Is Human by Daniel Pink
The Surprising Truth About Moving Others
Cut the Surge will check if there is a location around you where the surges are lower. You can also predict the surge prices for the next hour in your city with our surge graph.
Cut The Surge
Avoid Uber surge pricing
Craftsman Founder Podcast
Helping Founder Succeed By Studying First Principles
Focus Booster
Your digital pomodoro timer