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Michael Livingstone
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How many of us ruin a surprise simply because we don't know our friends address details?
How many times have you texted for the same address, simply because it's easier then searching through your text messages?
If you're like 87% of the population and you don't store address details, then DustiD could be for you.
If you're based in the UK download the DustiD App and visit one of our retail...

Mail gifts without knowing or inputting any shipping details

Address any online purchase without inputting ANY postal information.
Step 1. Click the DustiD button
Step 2. Sign into your private DustiD address book
Step 3. Choose the recipient from the drop down menu
Address sent to the retailer Done & DustiD

Mail gifts without knowing or inputting any shipping details

Michael Livingstone
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It has to be said, if we're keeping it real, adult entertainment worker.
Flexible hours, if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life, meet lots of interesting and strange people, and the money isn't too bad.
POLL: whats the best side hustle you've heard of?
Nicole Ogloza
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Michael Livingstone
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Take action. So many people don't even do that.
What are the key things we need to know when starting a side hustle?
Mia San
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Michael Livingstone
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Just think how many more surprise gifts you could get from friends and family if they didn't have to ask, and ruin the surprise. Selfish reason to join...but don't hate the messenger haha
Where's your address book?
Michael Livingstone
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