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Feedbackly helps companies automate their customer journey and build next-level customer experiences. Customer feedback is collected from multiple sources and analysed by AI. This helps you improve conversion paths, communication, and service delivery.
Turn Your Customer Feedback Into Growth

Michael Halyk
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Our team has been hard at work on building the all-new Feedbackly. It's a complete design/functionality overhaul of the software, which we started in 2012.
Turn Your Customer Feedback Into Growth

Michael Halyk
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I joined the Feedbackly team in 2017 and have seen this software grow from a small B2C tool serving customers in Finland and the nordics to a powerful B2B tool which now has customers in nearly every continent. More exciting things to come in the future!

Turn your customer feedback into growth

Feedbackly is an AI-powered feedback tool that help you understand how to create happier customers - both online and offline.

Turn your customer feedback into growth