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Michael Cho
Blobs is a fast, free way to share files ๐Ÿ˜Š Simply drag'n'drop videos, designs, PDFs, music, ANYTHING - Blobs works with all file formats! Anybody with your Blob link can then preview your files on their browser or download them directly. No ads, no logins.
The fast, free way to share files. No login required.
Michael Cho
Michael Cho
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Where would you find sites to guest post on?
Natalia Toth
Do you write guest posts to get backlinks to your site?
Michael Cho
Michael Cho
started a discussion

[Offer] Free website / landing page / portfolio site?

Hey PH ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm building a website builder ( and am in my customer discovery phase :) If you'd like a website setup (with domains, hosting, design, etc all done for you), let me know! It's all free in exchange for some feedback and a testimonial at the end ๐Ÿ˜‰
Michael Cho
To GRAB somebody's attention on Facebook or Twitter, you'll need an image at least. Pretty Text Generator is the easiest way to create an image for your social media posts. - type any text, and save the image file. Perfect also for meta tags on your website.
Pretty Text Generator
Pretty Text Generator
Type any text, and get it beautifully presented as an image
Michael Cho
Michael Cho
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I post a few times a week, usually little videos about what I've been working on (like this:
Ghost Kitty
How often do you post to social media or blogs about your business/product?
Michael Cho
Michael Cho
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Congrats @ben_makes_stuff - I'm going to incorporate this soon!
Simple OTP
Simple OTP
Simple passwordless authentication for your website
+1 comment
Michael Cho
Michael Cho
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I use SimilarWeb all the time to check how popular a site is!
Rustam Eldarov
What are you favorite browser extensions?
Rustam Eldarov
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Michael Cho
Michael Cho
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Anybody experienced big differences in traffic measurement?

I noticed that the 3 main ways I observe traffic on my sites are showing big differences, orders of magnitude differences between them. For example: - Cloudflare shows 10k visits per day - Google Analytics shows 1k visits per day - Google Search Console shows tens of visits per day There's some obvious causes (eg GSC is only from search, GA could be blocked by non-JavaScript users) - but I...
Michael Cho
Michael Cho
started a discussion

What music do you listen to while you are working on your startup?

Need some inspiration on what to play. Wife has been playing Taylor Swift and it's driving me mad ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Michael Cho
Michael Cho
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Ten minutes curious browsing maybe twice a week
How much time you spend on Product Hunt per day/week/month?
Serhii Uspenskyi
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