Ilona Maras

Ilona Maras

Improve your pull request workflow!
36 points
All activity
Ilona Maras
Include files, pull requests and more from public and private repositories on GitHub - Up-to-date GitHub documentation in Confluence - Markdown, AsciiDoc support & code highlighting - Rendering of images and other binary files
Include GitHub for Confluence
Include GitHub for Confluence
Include Metadata from GitHub
Ilona Maras
- Automatically merges Pull Requests once all checks passed - Waits for Builds to Succeed - Decide up front its a Show or Ask Pull Request
DevSensei Auto Merge for Bitbucket
DevSensei Auto Merge for Bitbucket
Automatically merges Pull Requests once all checks passed
Ilona Maras
Statistics for developers and engineering managers to get more data-driven insights. Connects to Bitbucket & GitHub repositories.
- Developer Summary
- For Engineering Managers
- For the Sprint Retrospective
Developer Statistics for Confluence
Developer Statistics for Confluence
Statistics for developers and managers to get more insights
Ilona Maras
Want to keep your Jira issues safe from secrets & PII information?
No More Secrets for Jira can help!
- Detect secrets like access tokens & PII information in Jira issues
- Scan existing Jira projects on demand
- Get notified when new secrets are detected
No More Secrets for Jira
No More Secrets for Jira
Keeping your Jira issues safe from secrets
Ilona Maras
Provides metrics for continuous improvement within One-to-One meetings.
One-to-One Analytics
One-to-One Analytics
Get your one-to-one to a new level with data-driven insights
Ilona Maras
Automate task checklists or default tasks for pull requests. Checklist Buddy adds the following for you on pull request creation:
- Tasks
- Comments
- Whole Checklists with title
Pull Request Checklist Buddy
Pull Request Checklist Buddy
Automated task checklists for pull requests
Ilona Maras
Pull Request Analytics helps teams improve their software development process and cycle time by making the most out of pull requests:
-Pull request thresholds
-Slack integration for reminders
-A global list of all open pull requests
Pull Request Analytics
Pull Request Analytics
Helps teams to improve their software development process