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A JWT Debugger for devs to inspect token contents with JWK endpoints compatibility. User-friendly for Google/Apple tokens. Features local history, entirely open-source for transparency and community improvement.

JSON Web Token (JWT) Debugger by Rownd
Next-generation JWT debugger (with ChatGPT)

Rownd Auth adds frictionless authentication and account creation to all of a brand’s websites with a code snippet. Jamstack, Webflow, Wordpress? No problem!
Developers can use profile info locally without server-side calls to customize any site for users.
Rownd Auth
Frictionless authentication for Jamstack, Wordpress, Webflow

Privacy policies and data request forms SHOULD be easy to find, but many companies hide them deep in their UI. Privacy hunt is a simple, free, crowd-sourced repository to reduce that to 1 click! 😁 Find a company, click on the link, and reclaim YOUR data. 🙌

Privacy Hunt
We hunt data request forms, so you can reclaim YOUR data.

Dwelling on Dreams is a Harry Potter-centric podcast in which two mega-fans take a birds’-eye view of the Wizarding universe and then zero in on specific aspects. It's a discussion of situations, characters, themes, theories, controversies and more.

Dwelling on Dreams podcast
A Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff examine the world of Harry Potter

Matt Hamann
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I'm the maker of a "configuration as a service" product that I call "Mothership." The goal is to allow you to manage any configuration anywhere from a single online dashboard. Currently, I've been focused on configuration for developers building web services (e.g. microservices, monoliths, etc).
I'd really like to get some feedback on what you find compelling or perhaps not as compelling about...
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Matt Hamann
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I'm the maker of Mothership, a side hobby I've been playing with for quite awhile. Let me know what you think! I'm happy to answer questions and respond to feedback :-)

Centralized configuration for web, mobile, IoT, and more.

Mothership provides "configuration as a service." Deploy config files for web apps, serverless functions, mobile apps, etc, and then edit them on the fly without needing to restage anything. Easily separate configs for each environment, building hierarchically on a common base config.

Centralized configuration for web, mobile, IoT, and more.

Matt Hamann
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lol. I love how this ends up being a "flashback." Thankful that Feedly and others have filled in the gap!

Google Reader
Google's RSS/Atom feed aggregator

Matt Hamann
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A couple of thoughts...
1) Add categorization, search, and filtering. In the current form, there's not a whole lot of value here. It's nice to have a list of contacts in a single place, but the real value will come from identifying *which* contacts to engage based on your product / startup type.
2) The price isn't bad, but again the value proposition is questionable. I can likely type...

Find journalists to write about your startup.

Matt Hamann
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This should be workable from a software perspective too for users who have their own server infrastructure (I have such a setup at home, for instance).
Any plans to release a software version that you can install and configure yourself?

Remove ads from your internet connection on all devices

Matt Hamann
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Two questions:
1) Why don't they just take the existing Messenger platform and map the two together?
2) Why can't Facebook get its act together and release apps like this on *both* iOS and Android simultaneously?! They did the same thing with Paper...

Facebook's new ephemeral photo/video app

Matt Hamann
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I have a caffeine sensitivity, so being able to detect the presence of caffeine (or perhaps a specific level of caffeine) in a beverage would be very useful!

A cup that knows what you're drinking

Matt Hamann
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This looks really cool.
I also wonder about laws like HIPPA in the U.S. One of the requirements of that particular law is that an individual's medical information must not be accessible to anyone else without explicit permission. For this reason, most EMR systems require social security numbers, and such before allowing access to data.
Just curious as to what thoughts or considerations...

Helping doctors share visit notes with their patients