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    M Gilang Januar
    M Gilang Januar
    left a comment
    Congrats for the launch! 🥳
    Beautiful screenshot simplified on Windows and MacOS
    M Gilang Januar
    Log your thoughts and ideas with quick voice notes. Easily share ideas and brainstorm in a voice document with AI assistance for progress tracking and more.
    Quick brainstorm with voice and AI analysis
    M Gilang Januar
    M Gilang Januar
    left a comment
    well crafted idea, congrats on the launch! 🚀
    Let's Trip
    Let's Trip
    A complete travel planning platform
    M Gilang Januar
    M Gilang Januar
    left a comment
    Perfect idea and execution, well done! 💪
    Kitchen Savvy App
    Kitchen Savvy App
    Mealtime bliss is just a click away.
    M Gilang Januar
    Get revenue projections, landscape and social conditions, and other important insights for your offline business.
    Business Worth
    Business Worth
    Location-based analysis for offline businesses with AI
    M Gilang Januar
    LaterOn works as a buffer between you and the newsletters you subscribed to. You can subscribe to as many newsletters as you want with @lateron.email, and we will aggregate, summarize, and forward them to you in a single email per week or month.
    Let's make a newsletter sexy again
    M Gilang Januar
    BabyStoryAI is a personalized audiobook for your child. It is created using the latest AI technology to generate a story based on moral values and your objectives.
    Create a personalized audiobook for your child in minutes
    M Gilang Januar
    A starter pack to shape high-value talents and bridge the gap with the companies. Powered by the current generative AI we already built a resume reviews and mock interviews platform with an in-depth analysis to make you stand out in the global industry! 🚀
    AI powered resume review & mock interview