Mehmet Yitmen

Mehmet Yitmen

Agilist, self-management advocate
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congrads 👏👏
Customizable community platform
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The Lean Startup, Eric Ries
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Any book suggestions for entrepreneurs?
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We are so excited! 🙌
Feedback for our Landing Page
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What are the best ways to get test users to evolve an mvp?

Hey! We are struggling to get teams to use our mvp and give us a real usage feedback...any suggestions to find test teams and how to approach them to engage for feedback..?
Mehmet Yitmen
Mehmet Yitmen
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thats a question i am trying to find an answer too...
Andrew Bartowsky
Publish the product now or later?
Andrew Bartowsky
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Mehmet Yitmen
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teal 🙌 or any kind of self/collective managed approaches
What is next after agile world?
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