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Megan Kopalasingam
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Hey PH community đź‘‹
Meet AI drafts. ✍️✨ With just one click, AI generates a draft based on historical conversations and your help content. With AI taking the first pass at replies, you’ll:
- Move through the queue in record time. With AI drafts getting you from zero to one, you can breeze through FAQs and slash response times.
- Spend less time researching. AI drafts is continuously learning...
AI drafts by Help Scout
Draft replies with the click of a button
Use AI to draft replies to customer emails. Generated based on your past conversations and help content, high-quality drafts are ready for you to review, revise, and send.
AI drafts by Help Scout
Draft replies with the click of a button
Megan Kopalasingam
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Hey Product Hunters đź‘‹
At Help Scout, we’re committed to harnessing the power of AI to drive delightful customer experiences, with easy-to-use AI tools that reduce repetitive tasks and free up time to focus on more meaningful conversations.
We’re excited to announce the launch of Help Scout’s newest AI feature: AI assist.
In seconds, AI assist can make text longer or shorter, more...
AI assist by Help Scout
Write better responses, faster
Introducing the newest AI feature in Help Scout: AI assist. With AI assist, you can make text longer or shorter, change the tone, fix grammar and spelling errors, and translate into over a dozen languages. All with the click of a button ✨
AI assist by Help Scout
Write better responses, faster
Megan Kopalasingam
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Hey Product Hunters đź‘‹
Customers expect you to meet them where they are, and that means opening up multiple communication channels. But when you’re juggling email, live chat, social, and more, it’s easy for conversations to get lost, overlooked, and disorganized.
That’s why we’re introducing Messenger in Help Scout—A new channel integration that makes it easier than ever for teams to bring...
Messenger in Help Scout
Deliver seamless support with Messenger in Help Scout
One of our most requested integrations is now live!
You can now manage and reply to your company’s Facebook/Messenger conversations directly from Help Scout while maintaining a seamless experience for customers.
Messenger in Help Scout
Deliver seamless support with Messenger in Help Scout
Megan Kopalasingam
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Hey Product Hunters đź‘‹
Customers expect you to meet them where they are, and that means opening up multiple communication channels. But when you’re juggling email, live chat, social, and more, it’s easy for conversations to get lost, overlooked, and disorganized.
That’s why we’re introducing Messenger in Help Scout—A new channel integration that makes it easier than ever for teams to bring...
Messenger in Help Scout
Deliver seamless support with Messenger in Help Scout
Megan Kopalasingam
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Love how light users make it possible for companies to collaborate, cross-functionally, on customer conversations!
Light Users by Help Scout
Bring your whole company closer to customers