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Use our Reorder tool to easily update the sort order of a Webflow collection, using a drag & drop interface that works just like it should.
More handy tools coming soon!

Webflow Toolkit: Reorder
Drag & drop reordering of Webflow CMS Collection Items

Matt Sims
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Picture this. Your client has just asked you to add a new employee to the Meet the Team page on their Webflow site. No biggie, right?
“Oh, by the way, I need them to appear just after Henrietta in Accounts”.
Sure, Webflow has an option to display items sorted by a CMS field. And yep, you’re a rockstar dev so you already added a field for this when you created the Collection way back...

Webflow Toolkit: Reorder
Drag & drop reordering of Webflow CMS Collection Items