Matt Howell

Matt Howell

55 points
All activity
Matt Howell
With Keyword Quill, you can query our API and get back Google search autocomplete suggestions for any keyword in less than a second! Make your keyword research process simpler and find high potential keywords for your site or content automatically!
Keyword Quill
Keyword Quill
Find Google search autocomplete suggestions with an API.
Matt Howell
Simpler Keywords generates hundreds of low competition, high traffic keywords at the push of a button, for every single niche. Analyze search results, find underserved keywords, and get search volume trends in seconds - SEO has never been simpler.
Simpler Keywords
Simpler Keywords
A more effective, cheaper, and simpler way to find keywords!
Matt Howell
ChurnAxe helps businesses decrease churn and increase revenue by sending recovery emails automatically to subscribers who have left, bringing them back. As well as being able to track important statistics and manage churned subscribers.
Lower your churn and increase your revenue automatically.
Matt Howell
Find unique, ready to use custom Notion templates and widgets. From finance trackers to study dashboards, timers to music widgets, you can find loads of Notion templates and widgets right here for free!
Find unique, ready to use Notion templates and widgets
Matt Howell
Everyday we send out new list with 100s of hand-chosen domains that had expired the previous day, both through email and your personal dashboard. Plus, there is also an analysis tool that provides authority metrics, backlink details, and more for any domain.
Yesterday's Domains
Yesterday's Domains
Find 100s of hand-picked expired domains, daily
Matt Howell
Everyday we send out new list with 100s of hand-chosen domains that had expired the previous day, both through email and your personal dashboard. Plus, there is also an analysis tool that provides authority metrics, backlink details, and more for any domain.
Yesterday's Domains
Yesterday's Domains
Find 100s of hand-picked expired domains, daily
Matt Howell
Keyword Catcher generates 100s of low competition, high traffic keywords at the push of a button, for every single niche. Analyze search results, find easy keywords, and get content ideas in seconds - all with the help of AI.
Keyword Catcher
Keyword Catcher
A more effective, cheaper, easier way to do keyword research