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Create a resource quickly using your camera images, and shared content from Social Media, Video and Music sites, News Media, Online shops, and more. Sentient provides a uniquely customised mobile app and website.

Sentient provides uniquely customised mobile apps & websites

Matt Broad
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Sentient provides uniquely customised mobile apps and websites. While developing a new platform in the non-profit project, we realised our solution could have much wider use. Any individual or business wanting their own mobile app and website might want our service (some said they did).
Far from refined and currently lacking some design, it would be great to see what Product Hunt make...

Sentient provides uniquely customised mobile apps & websites

This is the start of a free public resource about Naval Ravikant. Inspirational People is a non-profit organisation creating mobile apps and websites for and about world-renowned inspirational people.

Naval Ravikant by Inspirational People
A resource about Naval Ravikant with interviews and more

Matt Broad
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Hi 👋,
I enjoy consuming the experience and wisdom that Naval shares. We're developing the code and content for (and other people on the service). Each person has an individually customised mobile app and website.
We’re a small team of volunteers and freelancers distributed around the globe. We aim to raise funds for other non-profit organisations using another product offering....

Naval Ravikant by Inspirational People
A resource about Naval Ravikant with interviews and more

Matt Broad
left a comment
Excellent Derrick, I look forward to experimenting with this. Thanks

SavvyCal Time Zone API
Never have to debug time zone insanity again