Massimo Di Berardino

Massimo Di Berardino

I build stuff on Internet 💻
18 points
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Massimo Di Berardino
Massimo Di Berardino
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congrats on the launch, will start using it with my team 💪🏻
Complete code reviews in hours, not days, right from Slack
Massimo Di Berardino
Massimo Di Berardino
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Congrats on the launch Pullpo team 🦑
Developer productivity made easy
Massimo Di Berardino
Massimo Di Berardino
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kudos on the launch Plutto team!
Plutto Declarations
Plutto Declarations
Create and send declarations, contracts and forms in minutes
Massimo Di Berardino
Massimo Di Berardino
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Congrats on the launch Wireworks team, loved the platform demo playground 🙌🏻
Get collaborative user flows from screen recordings
Massimo Di Berardino
Massimo Di Berardino
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Congrats on the launch, great product 🚀
AI Stories for English Learners
AI Stories for English Learners
Create an illustrated story with translations in 1 click
Massimo Di Berardino
Massimo Di Berardino
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Sick, will try it for my startup blog 2.0 2.0
Keep visitors on your website & blog with live link previews
Massimo Di Berardino
Massimo Di Berardino
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Cool product, I'm a SEO newbie, but would use it in the future to double-check my content
Helps you write better content for SEO & social media reach
Massimo Di Berardino
Massimo Di Berardino
started a discussion

Automated comments on new products

I notice few people always commenting on new products with super generic comments such as "congrats on the launch + product one liner". I think it sucks, how is PH team dealing with this? few handles I notice constantly doing this @heyumarkhan and @samalyx :(
Massimo Di Berardino
No more worries about what to play or where to find players. Life is all about moments, and so are the pick-up games hosted by folks in your neighborhood. Game On helps you host games, find and join existing games and make friends while having fun.
Game On
Game On
Play games. Make friends. Repeat.
Massimo Di Berardino
Massimo Di Berardino
left a comment
The UI looks ✨ already downloaded Congrats for the launch 🤘🏻
Create new habits and achieve more goals in life