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Mashfique Anwar
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Widgera seems much simpler than any other no-code website builder I've ever tried! The widget based approach not only keeps functionality simple, but also very responsive— scaling nicely between different device sizes.
Love that we can also publish apps to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store! Congrats on the successful launch @sandro_bolkvadze and @demetre_mildiani1! 🚀
Create Web-apps with Superpowers!

Mashfique Anwar
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Two iPad-only app launches today! and the Calculator, woot!

iPad Calculator
Revolutionizing calculations on iPad – smarter, faster, best — a handwritten messaging app for iPad now has PenPals! Lettre delivers your heartfelt messages to a PenPal on a continent of your choice -- to a potential friend or maybe even…a romantic interest?
Handwritten letters, digital stamps and penpals for the iPad

A new form of deliberate communication with the joys of digital collecting and making pen-pals across the world.
Immersive letter-writing experience made for the iPad
Slow post in the age of instant messaging

Mashfique Anwar
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Congratulations on the launch! Loved using it!
Any future plans on bringing forth a Safari extension?

Minimal Theme for LinkedIn
Clean up LinkedIn clutter & remove ads in one click