Marvin Tunji-ola

Marvin Tunji-ola

Building Diarupt AI. You'll love it.
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Marvin Tunji-ola
Marvin Tunji-ola
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Congrats! How are tackling the new policies by search engine against AI generated content.
Harness the power of AI and SEO to supercharge your business
Marvin Tunji-ola
Marvin Tunji-ola
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What would you repeat, if you were to launch again?

I'll like know to what aspect of your previous launch would you repeat and why?
Marvin Tunji-ola
Marvin Tunji-ola
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Next-Level Foundational AI APIs to Supercharge Your Product.

Integrating and building with these AI APIs can add superpowers to your product. Deepgram - Fast & accurate speech-to-text API. PlayHT (Turbo 2.0) - Fast & realistic text-to-speech API Diarupt AI - Realtime video-based AI conversation API Midjourney...
Marvin Tunji-ola
Bring the power of GPT-4 into your everyday writing right where you need it, whether on Gmail, LinkedIn, Twitter or anywhere else on the web.
Rewrote AI
Rewrote AI
Rethink everyday writing
Marvin Tunji-ola
Marvin Tunji-ola
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Launching Next Week and Full of Excitement & Mixed Feelings

I'll be launching Rewrote AI next week, and I'm pretty excited. However, I have mixed feelings about the launch. Despite spending a few months ensuring that it's suitable for launch amidst other hurdles, I'm worried about how valuable it will be to users. While I deeply believe it will be valuable, I prefer to work with measurable metrics rather than relying on beliefs and assumptions. I...