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    Alex Marshall
    See common German words and phrases with every new tab you open. Each phrase has a phonetic breakdown and is translated into English. Most phrases have an example sentence or scenario that they can be used in
    Everyday German
    Everyday German
    Learn useful German words & phrases on every new tab
    Alex Marshall

    Sun down rise up is a collection of iPhone X wallpapers featuring a minimalist sunset/sunrise in various colour combinations

    Sun Down Rise Up
    Sun Down Rise Up
    Minimalist sunset/sunrise wallpapers for your iPhone β˜€οΈπŸ–ΌοΈ
    Alex Marshall
    Alex Marshall
    left a comment
    This looks so good, and the video is awesome!
    Measure every pixel on your screen with ease ✨
    Alex Marshall

    Achievement Calendar sends reminders via Telegram and Chrome Extension to alert you of Xbox achievements that can be unlocked only on the current day.

    Achievement Calendar
    Achievement Calendar
    Get notified of date-specific Xbox achievements
    Alex Marshall

    Buckles is the first Interrail chatbot - helping you find the right pass, plan your route, and more πŸš‚

    Buckles - Your Interrail Assistant
    Buckles - Your Interrail Assistant
    A chatbot for helping to plan Interrail trips
    Alex Marshall

    Twenty one websites is a low cost advertising space for a maximum of 21 websites at any one time. As new ones are added, old ones are pushed down.

    Twenty one websites
    Twenty one websites
    Advertising space for 21 websites only