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Mark Packer
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Hello PH community! 😊
Mark from the PAYGVPN team here!
So, almost all VPN services on the market only have subscription based payment models, which will charge you the same amount of money even when you never use the services. This is a problem for people who don't use extreme amounts of data or people who don't use the services consistently. Why pay for the services even when you don't...
Pay As You Go VPN (PaygVPN)
No Commitment. Credit based VPN. A cost-effective solution.

PAYG VPN provides a cost-effective solution to the waste of money problem in subscription-based payment models. Subscription model charges you the same amount of money even when you never use the service, while PAYG model only charges you for what you use.
Pay As You Go VPN (PaygVPN)
No Commitment. Credit based VPN. A cost-effective solution.

Mark Packer
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It seems really fun! If there was some different backgrounds to choose from, it would be even better!
Cartoon Selfie by
Turn your portrait into cartoon selfie automatically

Mark Packer
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Amazing service to find people with similar interests!
Greenroom by Spotify
Talk music, sports and culture live

Mark Packer
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As a gamer I can see myself using this! I also have been thinking that there had to be something I could use to see which subscriptions included the games I wanted to play. There are tons of new subscription services it just became too confusing to keep track of all. Great idea man!

Don't Buy Games
Your guide to game subscriptions. Spend less. Play more.

Mark Packer
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Hmm, I don't exactly know why but somehow I resonate with this service a lot! Seems like an absolutely useful idea, I could even use it myself! :)

Ghost Knowledge
Knowledge from the people who don’t normally write online