Marko Balažic

Marko Balažic

User behaviour. Privacy. Ethics.
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Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
Upload, generate, share. Create hundreds of different scenes and environments from a single product shot. Is it Christmas, Valentine's, Summer or Winter? Our robots don't care, but your customers do.
Generate e-commerce product photos with AI
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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Coffee. Noice canceling. Focus mode
Yuki Ogino
How do you concentrate when it matters? Any method?
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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Looking forward to meeting all the new bugs 😅
Žiga Kerec
ProductAI is launching tomorrow on ProductHunt!
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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1 month for free vs 10 renders for free?

Tomorrow we are launching: - a professional commercial photo generator. We have two strategies in mind: 1. We give PH members a coupon for 1 month free, where they are able to try the full power of our product. Potentially is it easier to get used to (addicted) the product and also to get excited. A credit card is needed. We would notify customers about the end of the free...
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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Roast our webpage

You can just go to the landing page: and please let me know your feedback. We will be launching soon on PH. Note: we are changing our business model, and taking away "14 days free with a credit card" > "instead we are offering free credits" Is it clear what the product is about? Is it clear for whom it is made? Is it clear why people should use it? Thanks a...
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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Searching for a easy solution for a public Roadmap

Does anyone have some good examples?
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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Creating product photos is expensive, and time-consuming and it can quickly go wrong.

We've worked with group e-commerce companies, which all echo this sentence. So, we devised a simple upload your product, specify your needs, and voila - custom product photos, made with our AI models are sent to your email. Past months we started turning this product into reality. The current, live version has a v0.8 all tho in some cases people already used our photos for e-commerce, version...
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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Searching for a consultant that previously built a production product with

- hugging-face model - request queuing (and parallel) for training with a model - training with Dreambooth direktno - fine-tuning pipeline with datasets (for additional precision of specific scenes)
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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I am using Twitter and Reddit
Andrew James Bagby
How do you build communities for launches?
Andrew James Bagby
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Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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Yes! What is your Twitter handle?
Maxime Dupré 🔨🥹
Do you care about getting more Twitter followers? 🐦😁
Maxime Dupré 🔨🥹
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Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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Sounds like something to try. Let me know if you give it a try.
Anil Matcha
Has anyone used Bubble to build a complete SAAS rather than a MVP?
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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I currated and validated a list of 300 investors that are planning to invest in 2023

Five people can use promo code v2ix480 and get 85% off, 15% revenue will go into additional improvments of the list. Hope this can save you some time if you are fundraising! 🤓
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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How do you set KPI for idea is good of flop?
Use free Figma & Webflow ui kit to test ideas and launch quickly
Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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Helpful Nika!
Business Marketing with Nika
How to create a Marketing Strategy?
Business Marketing with Nika
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Marko Balažic
Marko Balažic
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I wrote an article about how we got $200.000 pre-seed funding

Hello everyone! I am Marko and I come from Slovenia. My personal mission is to create people-friendly digital products that people actually need. In my full-time job, I am helping startup founders create User experience design. I do so by asking questions to “early product customers”. Most of the time I mimic behaviors that people are already used to and validate ideas using lean approaches....