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  • Markham Nolan

    Markham Nolan

    Co-founder: NOAN, AI 4 business-building
    11 points
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    Markham Nolan
    Markham Nolan
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    The biggest insight in 'Founder Mode' isn't founder mode.

    It's that managers have been trained all wrong for decades. If you're micromanaging you're doing it wrong. If you're completely hands off you're doing it wrong. Great managers need to be able to go from 10,000 feet to down in the weeds effortlessly, and know how and when to zoom in and out. Why is that such a revelation? Am I wrong?
    Markham Nolan
    Markham Nolan
    started a discussion

    What controversial thing do people disagree with you on, and how have you applied it to your biz?

    I'll go first. Make it super easy for your users to churn. In many ways this flies in the face of retention being cheaper than acquisition, but I'm a huge fan of businesses that make it easy to cut ties, and easy to return. The harder it is to break free, the less likely it is I'll ever come back. A few examples: I'll never resubscribe to the WSJ again, because cancelling a subscription is...
    Markham Nolan
    Markham Nolan
    left a comment
    Here Lena use this code: bsky-social-onjzj-2dgpz
    Lena Cohen
    Does anyone have BlueSky invites?
    Markham Nolan
    Markham Nolan
    left a comment
    Nuzzel. The only good news aggregtor app ever made.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    Which non-existent product/brand would you bring back to life?
    Business Marketing with Nika
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