Mario Sorgente

Mario Sorgente

Sr. product manager & founder of yourwAI
29 points
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Mario Sorgente
Mario Sorgente
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yourwAI - launched - help me help them!

I would love to get your support and reviews: Platform that matches skills, personality and dreams to 5 ideal career paths. More than 150 reviews (mostly young users who feel lost in their journey). Our mission is to help them! So help me, help them!
Mario Sorgente
Mario Sorgente
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yourwAI is live - provides 5 career paths according to your personality - help me support? We are finally live! Would love to get your support
Mario Sorgente
AI-powered platform matches your personality, skills, passions with your ideal career path via a text submission. πŸ”‘ Discover the careers you are meant to excel in. πŸ“Š Understand how your personality and skills align with real-world opportunities.
AI-platform matches personality and skills with ideal career
Mario Sorgente
Mario Sorgente
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Excited to launch? Describe the product you will launch tomorrow

I'm so excited to launch yourwai on PH Our AI-powered platform matches your personality, skills, passions and dreams with your ideal career path.
Mario Sorgente
Mario Sorgente
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Umar Saleem
If you had to prove your humanity, how would you do it?
Mario Sorgente
Mario Sorgente
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8 Am I even allowed to be here? :D
Ghost Kitty
How many followers do you have on Product Hunt?
Mario Sorgente
Mario Sorgente
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Launching tips - What is your purpose on Earth? - Arrival movie

Tonight, while re-watching "Arrival," a scene struck me as profoundly relevant to product management. Louise Banks, tasked with deciphering an alien language, simplifies a complex question to its essence: "What is your purpose on Earth?" She erases tons of formulas on a whiteboard, seeking clarity above all. This moment mirrored my reflections on product management or in general launching a...
Mario Sorgente
Mario Sorgente
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check out our launch!
Mario Sorgente
Turning Impostor Syndrome Into Innovation: A Millennial's Journey
Mario Sorgente
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Mario Sorgente
Mario Sorgente
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Don't quit your job

Try this: - Book a 45' slot each day (with yourself) to start working on your escape plan - Here you can build new skills, apply for new jobs, revisit your CV, meditate - "I cannot find 45' per day" - Ok, scroll 15' less, skip 1 Netflix episode of 30' You are your burning priority
Mario Sorgente
Mario Sorgente
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Feeling old :'( 2008 my first post. Migrated to instagram though
Business Marketing with Nika
Facebook is officially 20 yo. Do you use this platform?
Business Marketing with Nika
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Mario Sorgente
Mario Sorgente
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Good luck!!
Zac Sheffer
First time launching in Product Hunt