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Amanda Chiu
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Very cool tool! Might use this to tweak the copy of our site's main message...hopefully it works better than if I just type in pop culture related :P

Analyse how engaging your headline is

Amanda Chiu
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With all these calendar tools, I'm still waiting to see how they can become more intuitive. It's such a time-eater doing all scheduling so manually

Social Media Editorial Calendar for WordPress

Amanda Chiu
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A start like no other!
After accumulating over 12 years of professional photography experience and hundreds of photos, founder Ed Gregory started this site as a personal project releasing photos free to the public.
As the numbers climbed, requests for a more diverse selection of people, locations, and cultures increased. Realizing he could not fill all the demand by himself, he funded a new...
10 new stock photos sent every 2 weeks

10 new stock photos sent every 2 weeks

Amanda Chiu
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You guys were the first tool most of my bosses recommend me using for fast image creation. Great for Twitter Chats!

Pablo by Buffer
Create engaging images for your social media posts in 30s

Amanda Chiu
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Something similar to this is

Adaptive Backgrounds
Extract dominant colours from images

Amanda Chiu
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Amazing. Second place after Product Hunt to spend hours on.

All The Free Stock
All the free stock images, videos and icons in one location

Amanda Chiu
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Looks great! Had a quick look at Discourse, and have to say that I prefer your look more. User experience so much better than Reddit, which is a headache in itself.

Online discussion forums made simple

Amanda Chiu
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I guess it was inevitable that they needed to make things landscape. There are already apps to "square" your landscape photos, so I guess they wanted to make sure no one else did this first. After all it is quite the travesty to film in portrait. I'm on the fence about this new feature, I had a love/hate relationship with that square as an amateur photographer and a reluctant iphoneographer.

Instagram 7.5
Instagram, now with portrait and landscape photos/video

Amanda Chiu
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McDonalds already said no. Saying they could do much more than what Burger King pitched

An open letter from Burger King to McDonalds

Amanda Chiu
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@jmrushworth I just followed you guys on Twitter :D and would love to have my first cold brew coffee experience with you! The processes sound very interesting. I'm really excited to see the difference, I've never thought to use spices/wood as part of the filtering process.
On a side note, I was literally walking to work wishing I didn't have to go to Starbucks this morning, like every morning...

Coffee Rush
On-demand coffee delivery in San Francisco

Amanda Chiu
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Good Luck @bradsewell! Anything in the interior design industry is super tough. I worked for Mirens and Four Walls (both Toronto-based) very briefly and saw the struggle that was very hard to work with. That + Ikea, but I'm all for specially crafted products!

American-crafted furniture that assembles in minutes

Amanda Chiu
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I don't care what Etsy does. I'm a fan. Great job!

Etsy Local
Find and support creative entrepreneurs, locally

Amanda Chiu
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Very cool, just wondering where the recommendations are pulled from? Are they from places like yelp and google reviews? If data is pulled from places where people have left reviews and ratings how valid is their judgement?
What areas does this service work for?

A personal assistant built inside Facebook Messenger

Amanda Chiu
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Bring it to Toronto Canada Please!...both the product and the service :D. Another excuse to fuel my addiction or start a new one since I've never tried cold brew.
General question: what's the difference between the two, why is cold brew the new "thing"?

Coffee Rush
On-demand coffee delivery in San Francisco

Amanda Chiu
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Hello Product Hunters!
We’re extremely excited to see AtomicWriter on Product Hunt! We wanted to give a big thanks to @gregoiregilbert for being an amazing supporter and for getting us here.
The Atomic Reach Team has been working on AtomicWriter since 2013. We’re a group of people who love to read and wanted to help the writers of the world. We are committed to quality content. High quality...

AtomicWriter by Atomic Reach
Smart editing tool that adapts your writing to your audience

Amanda Chiu
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Interesting would probably help out new grads.
Take fun, science-backed quizzes with your friends.

Amanda Chiu
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Wow bring this to Toronto! Food + people = an interesting time!

Airbnb for food with strangers

Amanda Chiu
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Anything Evernote does I'm going to love. No exceptions here.

Evernote Desk Furniture
Beautiful accessories for desktops by Evernote & Pfeiffer